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Places to visit in Switzerland - Saint-Ursanne & Gorge du Pichoux 4K
Driving through the Gorges du Pichoux in Switzerland🇨ðŸ‡
#25 St-Ursanne – Bassecourt – Bellelay in 4K Ultra HD
Jurassic Mysteries ~ Jura - Switzerland
Jura bernois
Le petit lac vert du Pichoux à Undervelier en images.
Schelten-Pass [4K] 🇨🇠Jura Mountains Landscape & Villages • Scenic Drive Switzerland
Twann - Gorges de Douanne / Ile St-Pierre (BE)
Quelques prises de vues CH
Verena Gorge Hermitage, the beauty of the city of Solothurn, Switzerland/with original nature sound
Driving on secondary roads from Murten to Ruppoldsried, Switzerland🇨ðŸ‡
Le lac de Lucelle.